Will Vigar

poet. writer. imposter.

In Ulvik

My love of Olav H. Hauge knows no limits. The book “Luminous Spaces” is, for the want of a better phrase, my poetic Bible. I was particularly moved by a diary entry in which he complains of the poor print of a painting that adorned the wall in his hospital room and how the artificially nature made him want to be home all the more… Shout out to Kirkdale Books!

In Ulvik

When the mountains speak, I listen, teasing
their raw songs to paper leaf; their stories
told in ink and charming hearsay; their stone

words frozen in wind and rattling pine;
their foss in onyx pools as deep as stars.
And when the mountains are mute, the rising

noise is mine; their silence exasperates
even the soundest insight and I’m bound
in duck cloth and canvas again... again.

This London is charmless - its impasto
grooves lost to chattering printing press
If I could fracture its stern oak binding

and free the pigment to disinfected
air, that phthalo mist that kills the clear light
of Westminster could return to the sharp

drumlins of home, where I could charm feathers
from red throated loons, count sweet, ripe cherries
and sward apples, waking to mountain song.

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